Herchel Smith Professorship of Pure Mathematics

The Herchel Smith Professorship of Pure Mathematics is a professorship in pure mathematics at the University of Cambridge. It was established in 2004 by a benefaction from Herchel Smith "of £14.315m, to be divided into five equal parts, to support the full endowment of five Professorships in the fields of Pure Mathematics, Physics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Molecular Genetics." When the position was advertised in 2004, the salary offered was £52,936 (or greater), being the minimum professorial stipend,[1] and the first holder was expected to focus on mathematical analysis.

List of Herchel Smith Professors of Pure Mathematics


  1. ^ THE HERCHEL SMITH PROFESSORSHIP OF PURE MATHEMATICS, University of Cambridge Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/Vacancies/HSmith04.pdf, retrieved 2009-03-25